Monday 15 December 2014

PRODUCTION: Audience response to DigiPak cover

PRODUCTION: Audience response to DigiPak covers

Before we finalised our decision for our DigiPak covers, we decided to ask our audience which they preferred to see on an album cover. This was their response.

The lettering to us seemed unclear as it blended into the background, to our audience it was clear and easy enough to read. One audience member advised that the lettering be spaced out to give the effect of space created, the video includes a lot of open-air space and nature - creating a link between the video and cover.

The colouring was also very popular with the audience. Not only does it match the background but also creates tone to match the background - nature which is present throughout the video (except at the very end).

The actress isn't central, making the image almost odd but enticing.
The overall composition and the editing of the image interested the audience and made it look professional, this was a popular choice.

The actress is central in the image and is conventional of DigiPak covers. For a debut album, this would be the safest option for our artist - especially for a genre which is still niche but still up-and-coming.

Many audience members also agreed that this image created a mood that would be continued throughout the DigiPak and the music video.

Not only does this cover look professional but conforms to the genre's conventions; faded colours and simple lettering.