Thursday 16 October 2014

RESEARCH: Production skills

Our version of 'Baby One More Time'


We practiced production of music videos by recreating an existing and successful music video. Together with our class we reproduced Britney Spears' music video "Hit me baby one more". dubbed by us as 'Budget Britney'.

 In this recreation we have a number of students in our class appear in the music video interchangeably as Britney, and as such we had to learn a number of new techniques to help sync the scenes together with each other and the song.

 Firstly, we had to learn how to sync up our song with our video. We did this by having our track exactly match the one that we had in the background playing in the raw footage. This was a different track from the normal song, as it included three bleeps at the beginning before the song began. We then synced the song to the video using these bleeps as a reference point that the program could use to make sure the lip syncing worked correctly.

 Also, to make sure that the song was synced throughout our different scenes, we had to film all of our different shots all the way through to the end of the song, even if we were only going to use a small bit for the song. This meant that we had a large amount of footage that we had not planned on using, and allowed us to be flexible in what scenes we could choose and also let us use scenes that we didn't plan on using before.

 This has also helped immensely with our own work on our music video, as we can put these  to use to increase it's production quality. This will help us keep the video in sync, and also, because of the suggestions that our workshop leader gave us, we are going to be able to have flexibility in our scenes and shooting, as we are going to follow his advice and film through the entire scene in all of the different shots we are going to take.

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