Monday 23 March 2015

Evaluation Question 3: Abinav

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?


When I chose Elena Garcia to take forth on my project, I began analysing her existing audience demographic. By looking through her followers on twitter and soundlcoud where she shares her music, I found out that most of them were young girls aged 14-22 interested in indie/rock bands. Then I compared Elena to similar indie singer songwriters like ed sheeran and imogen heap and researched into their fans. I also considered the artists she said she took inspiration from including HAIM and Rhodes and sam smith. what I  found out was that their fans too were young teenagers, mostly girls very into music that wasn’t considered mainstream or pop. this gave us a clear idea of the genre and style that our product needed to be in order to cater to our audience.

My questionnaire gave me a chance to understand what my audience looked for in an digipak and what influenced their purchase of them. it was shared on Facebook and twitter to allow a wide range of people to take them. I found out that a 58% of the survey based their opinion depending on the artist and 50% found the cover most attractive. So I spent an extremely long time making sure the cover was perfect.

The focus group was originally held to help me decide between two songs; whispers and sleep. i asked 3 random members of the public to take part in it and they agreed. they told me that whispers was more acoustic and had more space to focus on the narrative compared to the other song. I responded to the comment by picking whispers rather than the other upbeat song which would require a greater cast and production to carry out. 

During my pitch, I had the chance to run my idea through a room full of people. The decision of song, setting, costume and narrative was well reciveved. However I had proposed that there should be a different girl to act out the narrative and sing in the video which my audience disagreed with. They said that it should be the same person throughout the video so I listened to their feedback and my music video only has a single girl. 

Another large decision that was up for the audience to make was the image for the cover. We had 2 mock ups for the cover with different images, which we showed around to the public and tallied up their preference. The one with the highest votes was picked as the cover.

The audience feedback from the first viewing of my video was well received. The audience felt that the video really suit the mood and style of the song. If I had to market this video, I think Id have it up on the artist’s website because the link is already on the magazine advert so readers of the magazine can be found there. I also shared the video on twitter, which was retweeted by elena, the artist herself so the product ended up being received by her actual fans.

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